Migrant Program and Welcome Center

We welcome all our multilingual and migrant families at the Welcome Center!
Services for Multilingual and Migrant Programs are located in the district Welcome Center, which can be found on the north side of Edwards Elementary. The entrance is off of Sixth Street. If you have questions or need help in Spanish, call 503-554-5019 (Jenny) or 503-554-5040 (Lourdes).
¡Damos la bienvenida a todas nuestras familias multilingües y migrantes en el Centro de Bienvenida!
Los servicios para programas de desarollo de ingles y migrantes se encuentran en el Centro de Bienvenida del distrito. La entrada esta ubicada en la Calle Seis. Si tiene preguntas o necesita ayuda en español por favor de llamar al 503-554-5019 (Jenny) or 503-554-5040 (Lourdes).
Migrant Program

Migrant Preschool
The Newberg School District Migrant preschool program serves 3-4 year-olds and 4-5 year-olds who qualify for the migrant program. To qualify for the program, families must meet with the Migrant Program Recruiter Lourdes Torres. Families may enroll their qualified students at the Welcome Center at any time during the year as long as there is room in the classes. Each class can accommodate 20 students. After the classes are full, the children are put on a waiting list.
Migrant Program Staff
- Jenny Elias: Migrant Program Supervisor: 503-554-5019
- Lourdes Torres: Migrant Program Recruiter: 503-554-5040
Contact Information
Welcome Center
ELL and Migrant Program services are located in the Welcome Center building next to the School District.
Telephone: 503-554-5019
Office Hours
8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Monday - Friday
714 E. Sixth
Newberg, Oregon 97132