Chehalem Online Academy
COA Programs
After the district surveyed local families, we determined that parents wanted some education enhancements for their students, so we made it happen. Here is what we have to offer:
- Traditional COA: For this online-only option, students are self-directed to work through the online curriculum at their own pace. Students work independently online but have support from licensed teachers and tutoring options.
- Hybrid COA: Hybrid COA combines the self-directed learning of COA with options for in-person instruction at a local neighborhood school. Availability depends upon class sizes at your neighborhood school.
Program Features
- Tuition-free online K-12 education.
- Textbooks and curriculum materials are provided at no cost.
- Chromebooks are provided for free to students.
- Individualized, high-quality, and challenging learning for each student.
- Flexible options for curriculum, courses, electives, schedules, and pacing to meet the unique needs of students.
- Inclusive opportunities throughout the year, such as field trips, celebrations, and other activities for K-8 students connect families with a supportive community.
Elementary Enrollment/Withdrawal and K-5 COA Questions:
- Secretary Karen Lang
- Email: [email protected]
- Contact number: (503) 554-4750
Middle School Enrollment/Withdrawal and 6-8 COA Questions:
- Secretary Melissa Willahan
- Email: [email protected]
- Contact number: (503) 554-4600
High School Enrollment/Withdrawal and 9-12 COA Questions:
- Secretary Connie Martin
- Email: [email protected]
- Contact number: (503) 554-4492
Apply for the Secondary (Grades 6-12) Program
Employee-Student Handbook
Review the handbook.