Technology » Technology


The Technology Department office is centralized at the district office building. We support technology in the classroom and offices across the district, including:

  • Maintenance and repair of technology district-wide
  • Installation of new equipment
  • Configure and maintain network servers and systems
  • District-provided technology: support and troubleshooting

Contact Technology Services

Submit a support ticket by emailing [email protected]
Technology Help Line: 503-554-5044 (if you are unable to open a support ticket)

Classwize (teachers login with Google)
Classwize training video
Old Tech Pages (Note: no longer updated/maintained)
Newberg-Dundee Public Schools provide parents & guardians the option of having additional web content filtering/restrictions for their students. We do this through a Chrome extension called "Blocksi." We have a how-to guide for the basic setup here: Blocksi Guide for Parents and Guardians
We also partner with FamilyZone/Qoria and use their Linewize and Classwize platforms for district network and device content filtering and classroom technology management. This partnership provides additional resources for parents/community members:
Technology/Equipment Acceptable Use Policy Updated Spring 2024
We deployed a new content filter, Linewize, the latter part of the 2022-2023 school year. Linewize works hand-in-hand with Classwize, a student monitoring system similar to Hapara or LanSchool. Classwize adds on to Google Classroom for real-time views of student activity and to assist teachers in providing guidance for students during class times.
Helpdesk (support ticket) system:
We are working to implement a new ticket system to provide more visibility to staff and admins for their technology support requests. For the 2023-2024 school year, you will still be able to open a ticket via email, and soon there will be two other ways to submit a Tech support request. First will be a web portal that will allow you to see your tickets and their status/updates. The second will be by submitting through the Datto support agent tool (more info on this to follow!)
Datto is a tool designed to integrate with our new helpdesk system, allowing for a quick and easy way to submit support requests. It will also gather basic health information about your system for us, so we can know quickly if your device needs updates, what software is installed, and how its network connection is doing. We will also be able to connect to your computer remotely, with a pop-up to let you know we're connecting - this will speed up our time to help troubleshoot problems and save us time driving around for tickets we may be able to resolve more quickly from our offices. 
Per the District Technology Responsible Use Agreement (see above)
Updated Spring 2024
Device Part/Component Repair/Replacement Cost
Chromebook Whole Device* $310
Chromebook Screen/display $55
Chromebook Keyboard Key (each)** $11
Chromebook Keyboard (full unit) $45
Chromebook Touchpad/Trackpad $48
Chromebook Charging Cable $24
Chromebook Battery $45
iPad (new) Whole Device $499
iPad (2-years old) Whole Device $299
iPad Charging Cable $30
*Whole Device replacements may be assessed based on the remaining life expectancy of a device. For example, a Chromebook with a 7-year life expectancy that is 3 years old may be assessed at 4/7 of the replacement cost, rather than full price.
**If replacement is needed for 4 or more keyboard keys, the district has discretion to replace the full keyboard (for $1 more than replacing each key individually)
***Missing from adopted policy/added mid-year

Grant Herman: Systems Engineer

James "Jim" Shimota: Network Manager

Cristian Melara: Tier 2 Technology Support Specialist

Evan Davis: Technology Support Specialist

Micaiah Zschomler: Technology Support Specialist

Nathanael Simper: Technology Support Specialist

Mia Aguirrebarrena: HVAC and Security Technologies

Technology Oversight

Tim Lauer, Principal, Mabel Rush Elementary School: 503-554-4450 or [email protected]