English Language Development
Building success for all students
The English Language Development (ELD) program helps Multilingual Learners who need support to be able to access academic content in English. Newberg-Dundee Public Schools serves approximately 350 K-12 students in its ELD program at 10 schools. Bilingual students are exited from the program upon scoring proficient on the statewide ELPA assessment. Student are monitored for 4 years upon exiting.
Success for All Students
The district’s goal is for Multilingual Learners is to perform academically in English and their home language at the same level as their native English speaking peers. The district is committed to providing Multilingual Learners full access to the complete range of school-based programs and support services. We seek to develop a strong and effective partnership with families of Multilingual Learners and to provide the necessary support for staff to implement the policies and practices necessary for student success.
- Co-taught ELD through ELA (K-10) and math (MVMS 6-8)
- ELD Class Period (high school and newcomer students)
- Sheltered Instruction (Content area teachers K-12)
- Dual Language - Spanish: Edwards Elementary School, Mountain View Middle School, Newberg High School
Parent Advisory Committee
EL and Migrant Program parent meetings are hosted at the district office each month. The purpose of these meetings is to provide information and education how to best support multilingual students. The Latino Parent Leader Advisory Committee collaborates with Migrant staff, District staff, and other community members, to determine monthly topics. Agenda items include updates on programming, assessments, and other issues pertaining to promoting student academic excellence.
Director of ELD, Dual Language, and Migrant Programs
Jillian Felizarta
Data Specialist
Jenny Elias
Teacher on Special Assignment
Angelina Doran